This is the “Non-Official” Wiglington Chat Box. This chat box was created for all the members of Wiglington And Wenks and for those people who just want to chat on it. You can chat with your friends and leave a comment on this page if you liked the chat.

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Here are all the rules for the chat:

  1. No Spamming– That means you can not repeat something more the three times. You also can’t spam smiley face.
  2. No Cussing -You can’t say words that are inappropriate.
  3. Personal Info– You are not allowed to say your address or phone number.
  4. Respectful– This is the most important rule of all, respect others. Don’t start problems with other people.
  5. No Sharing Passwords- Do not share WW password with others on this chat.
  6. Advertising– You can’t advertise inappropriate sites. (Note: Blogs of any virtual world are allowed though, just don’t spam)

Note: If you disobey any of this you rules:

1st- Warning


3rd-Banned for1 hour


  • Guest Pawn

Guest- Most people are guest. They are allowed to take part in the conversations, but they can’t comment Urls/Links.

  • Member Pawn MembersMembers are allowed to comment Urls/Links. They are also allowed to take part in the conversations, just like guest.
  • Moderator PawnModeratorsOnly the most trusted of all people are chosen to be a moderator. They have the privilegeto banned those people who appear to be breaking the rules.
  • Owner PawnOwnersAre allowed to do anything that the mods and members can do. Only the Staff Members will be owners, so that means only Yavn will be owner. Hopefully in the future there will be more staff members.

(Note: If you ask to be moved up a rank, it will lower your chance of moving up. Also only owners can move people up a rank. Finally if you see a moderator breaking the rules notify one of the owner ASAP):)

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