Hey there, Yavn here. I finally found Santa. 🙂 I found him at the “Air Dock”. Here is what it looks like when you click on him.

They don’t let you decide the color for your Grebo, 😦 so sad.

Here are some Tips on how to find Santa:

  • He appears in two locations. The first is the Air Dock. Second one is Outside the traveling academy.
  • To make him appear in those two locations. You have to repeatedly go in and out of the room. Eventually he will pop out.
  • Go on my chat and help other Wiglingtons find him.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. They’ve released some “New” Grebos and Frebos Elf Edition. You can find them at Madagascar is the Grebos Store.

You need to get the MALF certificate to be able to buy the pets. To get get the certificate you need to get around 2000 points in any of the “Madagascar” games.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. I’ve got some AWESOME news. I will be hosting an “Author Contest” on this site. The winner will of course be a part of this site. Here is how it’s going to go. I will pick Six contestants that fit the position as an author on my site.  To be one of the six contestant you will have to answer the questions below, comment your answers on this post.

  • Are you good at Designing Graphics?
  • Do you have experience blogging?
  • Do you have any type of blog?
  • Do you know everything there is to know about WiglingtonandWenks.com?
  • Will you post updates when needed to?
  • Are you well known on WiglingtonandWenks.com?

There will be three rounds, in the first two rounds I will elimate two contestants. Each round I will have the contestants do a special assignment, the contestants that do the worst on the assignment will be elimate. Contest will end on January the 3rd.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. I found a sneak peak of what wiglington will look like when the Christmas Decorations are up.  It looks awesome, can’t wait until the put them up. 🙂

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. A new has been announced and will be coming soon. The game will be called “Balloon Warz”, you can host Balloon Wars. Everytime you hit someone with the balloon you will earn points, and everytime you get by a balloon you will lose points.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”