Hey there, Yavn here. After days of searching I have found the “Conductor Stick”.

Credit: To Monkey, Beluga, & Muffin’s Blog.

Here is the where and how you can find it. It is located in the Wax Museum. The wax museum is inside of the Travelling Academy.

Here is how it looks like in your Wiki.

It is located on Count's jacket zipper.

It’s very hard to click on. It probably will take you a few tries on click on it.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. I finally found Santa. 🙂 I found him at the “Air Dock”. Here is what it looks like when you click on him.

They don’t let you decide the color for your Grebo, 😦 so sad.

Here are some Tips on how to find Santa:

  • He appears in two locations. The first is the Air Dock. Second one is Outside the traveling academy.
  • To make him appear in those two locations. You have to repeatedly go in and out of the room. Eventually he will pop out.
  • Go on my chat and help other Wiglingtons find him.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”