Hey there, Yavn here. With the answers for the Passport Quiz.

Who created the Magic Maps?

Carto Wiglington

What can the Magic Maps do?

All the Above

Who Stole the Magic Maps from Wiglington Town?

Count Cannaregio

What can you do in the virtual world?

All the above

What are you not allowed to do in the virtual world?

Be rude and threaten other players

Who founded Wiglington Town?

Wiglington and Wenks

Where can you find the Tower of Hanoi game?

Outside the Traveling Academy

Where can you find the Plaque of Fortuna?

Outside the Wiglington Town Bank

Who is the guardian of the Hall of Fame?

Sir Ordy Nance

What are the names of the Talking Flowers?

Dipsy and Pipsy

Who is Batty Bary?

Fruba’s Nephew

What is your Quest?

To find the lost Historical people and help them

After you are done with the Quiz. Go to Filorat’s Headquarters/ Office he will give a few items you will need on your quest as a traveler.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”