December 2009

Hey there, Yavn here.

I logged onto today and I noticed this small update.The name of the “INN” has been changed to “Henry’s Diner” , Henry is the guy incharge of the INN, he is right inside.

Yavn”Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. After days of searching I have found the “Conductor Stick”.

Credit: To Monkey, Beluga, & Muffin’s Blog.

Here is the where and how you can find it. It is located in the Wax Museum. The wax museum is inside of the Travelling Academy.

Here is how it looks like in your Wiki.

It is located on Count's jacket zipper.

It’s very hard to click on. It probably will take you a few tries on click on it.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. I finally found Santa. 🙂 I found him at the “Air Dock”. Here is what it looks like when you click on him.

They don’t let you decide the color for your Grebo, 😦 so sad.

Here are some Tips on how to find Santa:

  • He appears in two locations. The first is the Air Dock. Second one is Outside the traveling academy.
  • To make him appear in those two locations. You have to repeatedly go in and out of the room. Eventually he will pop out.
  • Go on my chat and help other Wiglingtons find him.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. Since I couldn’t decide who to pick as the new author for my blog. I’ve decided I need some help. So I’m going to let you guys decide the faith of my blog. I will be putting a poll until “New Years”. Please chose wisely. 🙂

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here.

Christmas may be over ,but that does not mean the Celebration must end on Wiglington.They have sent Santa on mission to hide from us. The people who find him will recieve a limited edition Christmas Grebo. You will have until Dec 31. to go look for him.

Good Luck. 🙂 If you find him don’t forget to leave a comment on this post.

Update: People have spotted Santa here.  A picture of what the Christmas Grebo looks like. We will be tracking Santa on my chat. Click here to go to my chat.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. They’ve released some “New” Grebos and Frebos Elf Edition. You can find them at Madagascar is the Grebos Store.

You need to get the MALF certificate to be able to buy the pets. To get get the certificate you need to get around 2000 points in any of the “Madagascar” games.

Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. With the answers for the Passport Quiz.

Who created the Magic Maps?

Carto Wiglington

What can the Magic Maps do?

All the Above

Who Stole the Magic Maps from Wiglington Town?

Count Cannaregio

What can you do in the virtual world?

All the above

What are you not allowed to do in the virtual world?

Be rude and threaten other players

Who founded Wiglington Town?

Wiglington and Wenks

Where can you find the Tower of Hanoi game?

Outside the Traveling Academy

Where can you find the Plaque of Fortuna?

Outside the Wiglington Town Bank

Who is the guardian of the Hall of Fame?

Sir Ordy Nance

What are the names of the Talking Flowers?

Dipsy and Pipsy

Who is Batty Bary?

Fruba’s Nephew

What is your Quest?

To find the lost Historical people and help them

After you are done with the Quiz. Go to Filorat’s Headquarters/ Office he will give a few items you will need on your quest as a traveler.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. I’ve got some AWESOME news. I will be hosting an “Author Contest” on this site. The winner will of course be a part of this site. Here is how it’s going to go. I will pick Six contestants that fit the position as an author on my site.  To be one of the six contestant you will have to answer the questions below, comment your answers on this post.

  • Are you good at Designing Graphics?
  • Do you have experience blogging?
  • Do you have any type of blog?
  • Do you know everything there is to know about
  • Will you post updates when needed to?
  • Are you well known on

There will be three rounds, in the first two rounds I will elimate two contestants. Each round I will have the contestants do a special assignment, the contestants that do the worst on the assignment will be elimate. Contest will end on January the 3rd.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here. The Wiglington Team has finally released a Time Zone for the virtual world. You can see the Clock once you login. It is right next to the screen.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

Hey there, Yavn here.

I have some AWESOME news Beta is officially over. Now that Beta is over , Wiglington will be preparing for the Launch this Christmas Eve. So they have replaced the Ninja Suits for the new Traveler Suits. Click Here to see “Beta Ended” post.

-Yavn “Wiglington Expert Owner”

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